Our conditions
In this document we will explain you how we want to defend all our distributors front of the cheaters.
1. All our distributors must follow our rules for selling to customers or sub-distributors.
2. Any distributor who will not respect our rules will be immediately cut off from our cooperation.
3. We will help our honorable distributors to win over the cheaters.
4. Cheaters will be banned to the end of their life.
Dear customers, as you can see, our distributors must follow our rules. So if you will get offer with lower price than web page, it means this person is cheater and it is high risk to buy oil from him. It is possible product from such distributor is FAKE !!! Please do not buy cheaper oil.
1. Price for end customer must not be lower then price on our web page www.herbal-oil.com
2. Price for sub-distributors must not be lower then price on our web page www.herbal-oil.com
3. Distributor must not give any advantage to customers or sub-distributors like presents, money, any award etc.
4. All distributors will help us to find the cheaters as soon is possible.
If you see in our rules some space for cheaters, please contact us and we will improve it.
Thank you for understanding our rules, because we want to defend all distributors, even small or big.